The Bio-Institute of Light and Sound
About Us
VIE is a Master Conveyor of directed healing energy. Her energy transforms into healing. VIE is also a Spiritual Teacher and Counselor. Vie is the author of a series of books for self-growtth.
CHADD and VIE are Scientists Doctor of Sound and Doctor of Light.
VIE went to her favorite place and met with CHADD, they felt a deep strong connection. VIE began to have visions of the past when they had worked together in a laboratory in Atlantis. CHADD & VIE were scientists.
Today scientists Doctor of Sound CHADD, and Doctor of Light VIE work again together at the light and sound institute to offer you healing frequency sessions in quantum. They have telekinesis communication during sessions.”
Albert Einstein said “the future of medicine is frequency” And here we are.
CHADD & VIE, are back as a team to help you regain health, grow spiritually and help you be aligned with your destiny. With who you are, and why you are here. They are guiding you spiritually. They are here to reconnect you to your essence, to the source.
During the energy scan down to the nucleus level, as soon as you lay down they determine the frequencies as well as the amount of quantum energy for the best self-healing. The success of the session comes from working the quantum field to access unlimited potential. It reprograms your DNA and stops all ancestor's programs and there are no side effects possible.
#awaken #awakening #grow #growth #mind alteration #spiritual #mind expanding #galactic #self-mastery #cellular #reconnection #dna #5th dimension #new reality #quantum #light language #wellness #0010110 #Light #sound #natural therapy #destiny #path #energy #intuitive reiki #chakras #magnetizer #healer #spiritual counseling # spiritual coaching #natural healing #multidimensional healing #self discovery #holographic healing #crystal light healing #crystal light chamber #vibrational healing #quantum healing
Empire Global Radio show – Professional Round Table Interview
God’s Duo
I am a French/American author and musician.In January 1987 I experienced a dramatic shift in consciousness resulting in a complete change of lifestyle.During my first contact experience, my Spiritual Galactic mission and purpose were activated. I am an Aquarius, I speak the language of the Light that I tone, chant, sing and hand-signs.I am a visionary healer,vibrational transformation and metaphysical healer gifted of re-connective healing, re-encoding DNA and the creator of a new therapy called : Bio-Qi (chi) Therapy TM” I attended and presented the Light & Sound in numerous and various public places and conventions like at the annual optometrist’s convention, also Annual convention FSMOSA, Annual ND convention and at many Louise Hayes” I can do it” conventions then both at the Energy Psychology convention and the Body Mind Spirit Expo, in Orlando, St Pete, Tampa, Las Vegas.
I am honored that people has recognized my work, and grateful to the National Association of Professional Women (NAPW) to have chosen me as the Woman for the year 2015.
n 1992 due to an overdose of prescription drugs that he was forced to ingest since 5 years old, CHADD fell into a coma. While they handicapped him through unnecessary surgery, depriving him of sleep, rights, funds and freedom He was used for they movie projects to destroy it’s image. They used him as a guinea pig, a musician, stunt, security agent, FBI and much more without any compensation. Then as if it was not enough he was taken away by the system, to a mental state hospital for “praying with a lighted candle to our Lady of Guadalupe”, the prayer of roses to Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. CHADD is Gifted of the Sound Frequencies, after a Near Death Experience, and a coma of eight weeks that left him in a wheel chair since 18 years old.
(Here is the Prayer of roses to Our Lady of Guadalupe: “Merciful Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, show clemency, love and compassion to those who love you and search for your protection. May the sweet fragrance of roses reach your divine son, our lord Jesus Christ, that he may hear our Prayers. Wipe our tears and give us comfort and assistance (concentrate on you desires). Amen.”)

t of 2013 Complementary alternative medicine(CAM)
Best of 2014 Business Hall of Fame (2 consecutive years)
2015 Continental Whos’ who Honored member
2015 NAWP VIP Woman of the year
2016 July 28, 24/PressRelease
2016 Top Female Executives, Professional and Entrepreneurs
2016 ICE Inner Circle Executive e-zine publication
2016 Continental Whos’ who Pinnacle Lifetime Professional Woman in recognition to the field of Sound and Light Therapy ( founder of the institute, creator of ‘Bio-Qi therapy tm, creator of a wellness and growth CD, Books’ author, visionary healer and Spiritual Master Teacher)