Multidimensional Healing (Session) (Vibrational Energy & Frequency healing)
Add to cart1 Session (90 minutes of Bio-Qi (chi) Therapy Session)
This is a rare opportunity to experience new energy in your life. It is a valuable investment in your dynamic health and long-term emotional well-being. Breaking through the veil of forgetfulness. The Bio-institute of light and sound work is profoundly transformational and helps you to break through to Body self-healing, and a new level of personal and spiritual evolution.
Emotional Relief (Session)
Add to cartMany people have Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Depression, Sadness, Loss of direction. The world we are living today is increasingly designed to depress people. These 3 sessions are specifically designed for that.
Spiritual Counseling Therapy (Session)
Add to cartThis Therapy session is to guide you grow spiritually, find your way to empowerment, enlightenment, to align you with your life purpose and destiny. Finding your way back breaking through the veil of forgetfulness. (Your health is linked to your growth)
Quantum Energy field Healing (Multidimensional & Galactic Healing Session)
VIE sessions are multidimensional level, in quantum, and by phone only (Worldwide and Nationally)
“Light & Sound Therapy, Energy Medicine, Spiritual Conseling or Guidance, DNA Recconnection, Bio-Qi Therapy, Re-Connection to Higher-self or Inner-Self, Divine Reconnection, Re-Connecting Healing, all are under Quantum Energy Field Healing (multidimensional and Galactic Healing Session)”
Bio-Qi Therapy TM Session is an advanced Pleiadian system of energy (chi) based on the knowledge from the being of Light of the Fifth and higherdimension. Pleiadians “Angels” have in their evolution to support and assist manking in their evolotion, get prepared for the higher frequencies direced to them, respecting their free will. In providing session of the holistic healing, activating the 34 various channels (chakras), using the Light language that is spoken, hand-signs, tones or chants with biostimulation light wavelength. New information from the 5th level dimension helps people to expand their consciousness and grow spiritually above the manipulated duality world 3D and 4D, and help mankind to discover their purpose and destiny in life.
“ Healing is my profession, and as with any profession, I have a fee for my time and expertise”