This guide is about truth and facts like:
98 pages. The purpose of this book is to prepare you for the shift of energy and beyond the ascension. To educate, inform and introduce to you what is available today. To access perfect health with Holistic Therapies Natural Methods, techniques, products and remedies.
We are reduced to few antibiotics, and soon with the energy of the planet no medicine/drugs will be effective anymore. Many illnesses unexplained today can be related due to ingestion of drugs. The human Body is energy and frequency.
“Energy Medicine is modulating the human bio-energy fields and can be used as a boost for Spiritual development and life and as a body therapy to address a specific physical ailment. It is indeed, the medicine of the future. It is how the Christ healed.And when the time comes, soon very soon, it will be the only Medicine which remains and has endured all time.”
Each organ in your Body corresponds to a very specific acupuncture point but also to a specific color. When the frequency of your body change or your body is lacking of color(s) it will first appear in your aura then symptoms of illness will follow when not corrected on time. All illnesses at their initial statue are attributed to the imbalance of the etheric fields or health of the aura at the energy level.
The allopathic medicine use treatments only to the physical level, like the surgery and the medications, that very often cleans without curing. Medications does not contain any frequency or energy. But to successfully re-balance the energy (the cause of illnesses) the technique of the 49 th vibration begins at the highest vibratory levels (etheric)
Children are poisoned at birth with vaccination shots that contain mercury, aluminum …Vitamin D deficiency link to mortality, the swine flu vaccine has a component called (MF-59) proven to cause autoimmune diseases like lupus. Mercury creates cerebral damage and illness like Alzheimer or Parkinson disease and cause autism on babies.
You must learn about the frequency of the body, how to activate your DNA, the activation of your pineal gland. What is Sound frequencies,what is the importance of : the Music, Light, and Biosound Therapy, Chromotherapy Phosphemes,Essential Oils, Aromatherapy Extract of Flower Essences, various techniques and Methods available today and how to use it.
The author” VIE was asked to make available to you this Holistic and Spiritual Guide at the end of her 18 months of daily initiation by the Archangel Michael. She is a Metaphysical Intuitive Light and Vibration Healer gifted of the New Vibratory Transformation Healing Frequency and she works with the Cosmic Doctors and with Nikola Tesla. VIE is the first Aquarius to come with something very specific. That will take to humanity 2000 years to process…