How to Improve Your Metabolism With Digestive Enzymes and Pure Therapeutic Essentail oils

What are enzymes? The human body is an incredibly complex network of systems where each function is interrelated to the other by signaling components. Every simple or complex process in our body is possible because of a series of chemical reactions. These reactions are governed by enzymes which either hasten the speed of the reaction by exponential rates or make otherwise impossible reactions take place in its presence. Essentially all enzymes are made up of proteins. What is amazing about these enzymes is that even though they participate in a reaction, they remain unaltered in terms of their chemical composition while they convert biological reactants (substrates) into the required products. Because of this property, they can be reused multiple times, depending on the requirement of the product.
What are the main properties of enzymes? Enzymes are proteins that take part in a reaction without changing their own chemical properties. Besides this, it is important to understand other properties of enzymes.
• Enzymes are highly specific: An enzyme is not only function specific but substrate specific.
• Enzyme catalyzed reactions are reversible: They can catalyze the both the forward reactions (substrate to product) and backward reactions (product to substrate)
• Enzymes are reactive: As proteins, enzymes have a temperature and pH at which they denature and lose their activity. In most cases, denaturation is an irreversible process. The functionality or the activity’ of the enzyme is greatly affected by the prevalent temperatures and pH of the reaction. Therefore, every enzyme has an optimum temperature and pH at which the activity of the enzyme is the highest. Consequently, minimum activity is also evident at a particular point of these parameters.
What are digestive enzymes? These are a set of enzymes that aid smooth digestion of food. These enzymes are strategically secreted and present in various parts of the alimentary canal. The food we eat is systematically broken down from complex to gradually simpler compounds before they are absorbed and then distributed throughout the body. Digestive enzymes are present in the mouth, stomach, pancreas and the small intestine.
There are 4 categories of digestive enzymes:
• Proteolytic enzymes: Catalyze the breakdown of proteins to amino acids.
• Lipolytic enzymes: Catalyze the breakdown of fatty acids and glycerol.
• Amylolytic enzymes: Catalyze the breakdown starch to simple sugars.
• Nucleolytic enzymes: Catalyze the breakdown of nucleic acids.
What are digestive enzyme supplements? The digestive enzymes especially in the stomach take some time to get secreted and act on the food. Besides this, our growing sedentary life-style causes the food to remain undigested for longer than required. Digestive enzyme supplements help speed up digestion. Consuming these supplements before or after a heavy meal can be very helpful.
What kind of digestive enzyme supplements are good for us? There are several types of digestive enzymes but the right supplement that one chooses should contain at least the following essential enzyme:
The human body is an incredibly complex network of systems where each function is interrelated to the other by signaling components

The human body is an incredibly complex network of systems where each function is interrelated to the other by signaling components:
• Papain: It is derived from papaya and extremely effective in digesting proteins and tenderizing meat.
• Peptidase
• Phytase
• Protease
• Amylase: This enzyme breaks starch into its component sugars namely glucose.
• Lipase: This enzyme breaks down long chain fatty acids and consequently digesting fats.
• Lactase: This works to break down dairy products.
• Bromelain: This is an enzyme which is found in pineapple. It is a remarkable enzyme capable of digesting protein.
Essentialzymes-4: is a multi-spectrum enzyme complex to aid digestion of fats, proteins, fiber and carbohydrates (1 immediate release capsule with 100% pure therapeutic essential oils)