Prime Creator's Ten Commandments For Ascension

When God Speaks, Man should listen

The words of Prime Creator.

We can tell you that you will experience Love and Light in every moment of everyday.

I- Only Permit High Vibration

You must maintain complete command of your emotions, thoughts, and feelings

II- Discard Doubts, Anger, Resentment, Anxiety or Despair

Gain command over your thoughts, so that you refuse entrance to thoughts and ideas which cause you doubt, anger, resentment, anxiety, or which bring these feelings to others.

III- Never Initiate An Attack

Do not insist that you are simply addressing “reality” these thoughts are all manifestation of darkness, the dark teaching of the past. Understand that self-defense is only the initiating, an attack on another regardless of the professed excuse is never acceptable to God.

IV- Show Kindness.

Remain in a State of Good Will, Kindness and Compassion Toward Yourself and Your Fellow Human at All Times. Any religion that attitude which professes enmity, disapproval or condemnation towards others is false and not from the creator.

V- Refrain from Eating Animals

Refrain from eating the animals, for they are your friends. You all rise together, and you will receive great assistance from the other kingdoms. Accept that you, and all the animal, vegetable and mineral creation on your Planet Earth are considered beings with feelings, thoughts and aspirations to ascend.

VI- Protect your Planet

Protect your planet as your child, for she is the source of Life. Do not permit invasion and attack to her body, regardless of any excuse that is given at any entitlement assumed.

VI- Join with others

Join with others, especially including the children, to joyfully and consciously prepare yourselves for this all important event. Nothing in your lives is as important or as deserving of your attention as assuring your own Ascension and that of people around you.

VIII- Allow the endless Love

Allow the endless Love from us through your body and fill your heart. In this way, you allow your own ascension to occur effortlessly.

IX- Teach and Practice Peace with All

Teach patience, compassion and endless Love through your own actions, which speak louder than anything you can say. Make peace with those around you, and you will live in peace.

X- Do All This with Joy

Approach this challenge with Joy, For it is truly the stairway to heaven. (Kathryn May)

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