
Addressing and Healing Disease

To heal a disease, you’ve got to address it at every level it exists on: Molecular, biochemical, nutritional, physical, emotional, and psychological. There’s no such thing as a “magic bullet” cure. This is why modern medicine has FAILED to achieve anything close to a true cure on any disease. Home

What we call disease

If different sound patterns enter into your organ, the harmonious relationship could be upset and they may establish their disharmonious pattern in the organ, bone tissue, etc., and this is what we call disease.                                                          A healthy organ will have its molecules working together in a harmonious relationship with each other and will all be of …

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How to Improve Your Metabolism With Digestive Enzymes and Pure Therapeutic Essentail oils

What are enzymes? The human body is an incredibly complex network of systems where each function is interrelated to the other by signaling components. Every simple or complex process in our body is possible because of a series of chemical reactions. These reactions are governed by enzymes which either hasten the speed of the reaction …

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Fluoride Side Effects: Is this tooth decay assassin killing more than cavities?

Having grown up in a world where fluoride has been touted as being a wonder substance that does nothing but benefit mankind, it may be a bit of a stretch to believe that there are actually some very negative fluoride side effects that do much more harm than good. With entire nations adding fluoride to …

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